World Trade and Development Group Inc
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Planning And Design

WTDGI works closely with highly competent architectural firms. We can suggest firms that match your parameters, and we can also structure a competitive process to enable you to consider proposals from several highly qualified architectural organizations.

World Trade Centers are often the most prominent structures in their regions. They are also highly specialized structures. Whichever architect you select, we will be able to provide critical guidance and insight as they seek to develop a plan and design incorporating the most successful elements of other World Trade Centers around the globe.

Development / Construction Project Inquiry
WTC, World Trade Center, and MAP Logo are all registered trademarks of the World Trade Centers Association, Inc.
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Launch Your World Trade Center
Secure Your License
Develop Your Business Plan
Grow Your Membership
Develop Your WTC Real Estate Complex
Feasibility Study
Fully Leverage The WTCA Network
Optimal Use of WTCA Resources
Organizing Trade Missions & Expos
Avoid The Big Mistakes
Seasoned Experts Worldwide
Financing Packages