World Trade and Development Group Inc
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Feasibility Study

Early on in the process of developing a Real Estate Complex, you will want to produce a Feasibility Study. This is a critical tool.
  • The feasibility study will help you make your case for local government approval and support.
  • It will clarify the scope and focus of the Real Estate Complex
  • It will be instrumental in developing your financing package
WTDGI brings together a wealth of expertise to support you in your Feasibility Study. A World Trade Center complex is not just a building. It is a building with a purpose and function linked to an existing network of 300 World Trade Centers around the globe. Unless the study is done by someone who understands how World Trade Centers function in their various international iterations, it is bound to miss important elements.
Development / Construction Project Inquiry
WTC, World Trade Center, and MAP Logo are all registered trademarks of the World Trade Centers Association, Inc.
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Launch Your World Trade Center
Secure Your License
Develop Your Business Plan
Grow Your Membership
Develop Your WTC Real Estate Complex
Planning And Design
Fully Leverage The WTCA Network
Optimal Use of WTCA Resources
Organizing Trade Missions & Expos
Avoid The Big Mistakes
Seasoned Experts Worldwide
Financing Packages